Director of many theatre and radio plays. Graduated from The National Academy of Dramatic Art in Warsaw. Creator and founder of The Non-Visual Theatre. Since 2011 the leader of Reading in the Dark, in Poland a pioneer project consisting of multimedia ventures encompassing theatre and literary events built with the elements of radio play and classic drama model.
His art projects were presented in many prestigious cultural institutions and financed by The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, National Centre for Culture, The Municipality of Wroclaw, European Capital of Culture, The Marshal’s Office of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship, Austrian Culture Forum in Warsaw, German Socio-Cultural Organisation in Wrocław among others.
His art projects were presented in many prestigious cultural institutions and financed by The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, National Centre for Culture, The Municipality of Wroclaw, European Capital of Culture, The Marshal’s Office of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship, Austrian Culture Forum in Warsaw, German Socio-Cultural Organisation in Wrocław among others.
He has worked on the stages of Współczesny Theatre in Wrocław, The Grotowski Institute, Ad Spectatores/DOC Theatre from Moscow, K2 Theatre, The Theatre Olympics/The Polish Theatre in Wrocław, Malta Festival in Poznań among others. His radio dramas were premiered in Gepperts Appartment in Wrocław, BWA Gallery/Wrocław, U Gallery/Wrocław, Vision Digest Centre BRZUCH, CK Agora, ‘Zamek’ Cultural Centre, Creative Zone/Exclusion Dungeon, The Audiovisual Technology Center CETA, The Center for Young Culture and Local Initiatives CZASOPRZESTRZEŃ, The International Literature Festival UPON NEISSE in Görlitz among others.
He conceived the idea of The International Theatre Festivals “Kajzar today” in the theatres of Wrocław: K2, The Polish Theatre, The Współczesny Theatre, and ‘Long Eliot’ in The Grotowski Institute. In 2016 he conducted original literary workshop as a part of a joint Polish-Iranian project ‘Culture Beyond Boundaries’. In 2015–2016 he worked for CK Agora running an educational theatre project ‘Różanka Stories’, which integrated various generations of the district’s inhabitants.
He has been running workshops for the ‘Ostoja’ Society and the ‘Eudajmonia’ Foundation for many years, presenting theatre shows prepared together with socially excluded groups, e.g. the disabled, the blind. In the recent years he has run many projects within photography or performing arts presented in the ‘Entropia’ Gallery, FotoGen Gallery or during a joint exhibition in the ART BRUT Gallery.
Ficowski has been the editor of ‘Rita Baum’ magazine for many years. His articles, essays and literary reportages were published in ‘Polityka’, ‘Tygodnik Powszechny’, ‘Przekrój’, ‘Czas Kultury’, ‘Znak’, ‘Twórczość’, ‘Dwutygodnik’, ‘Art&Biznes’.